All My Pics

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Amazing Nature Photos Slideshow



  1. I used to put the slideshows on my work computer as my screen saver! Those photos are so nice!

  2. Thanks! Wish I could say they were my own, but I don't live anywhere that spectacular (although a couple of those photos are from Florida) I was wondering, do you know how to put the slideshow on the sidebar using picasa? i have a picasa account, but I can never seem to get the slideshow to work :/

  3. Yup! I've done it before! You click on your album in Picasa, and on the right side of the page, you should see the option "links to this album", and when you click it, it should have an "embed slideshow". Click on that, and you get a pop-up and you can change settings or size of the slideshow. Then you copy the code from the little orange box. In your blog design, choose the gadget HTML/Java Script and just paste the code in there. That should do it!

  4. Thanks so much! You have no clue how long I have been trying to figure out how to do that. Yay! It's up there right now :)!


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