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Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Lent Predicament

Ha. Kind of a nice word there, eh? Anyway, lent officially began a few days ago, and so far I feel pretty lousy because I have not yet committed to any kind of giving up. At first, I thought maybe could give up diet sodas and drink more water. Just had a coke zero this morning. What to do, what to do? Thought about giving up texting... I thought it was a pretty good challenge. Well, that ain't happenin'.

Then I took my mother's advice to instead use lent as a time for self-improvement. I thought about that and what I could possibly do to make myself a better person... possibly things like not being snippy with my sister, please God more when I know I should, managing my time better, etc. You know, kind of using lent as a second chance to make resolutions.

So one thing I thought of to help myself become better inside and out is to give up one particular habit that has taken over a part of my life so that it has gone beyond the definition of 'habit'. This is when I pick at my skin. Gross indeed, but it has become a not-so-secret obsession of mine. I have semi-permanent scars in countless places on my body now because of how I have so damaged the skin. This isn't a form of intentional, self-induced harm like cutting - it's much a form of OCD. It is truly satisfying to feel that release of tension from my fingers onto my skin, to squeeze and, yes, pop. Ugh, I really apologize for the gore of this. But I had to find a way to explain my goal to give this up for lent. Apparently this is called Compulsive Picking Disorder (never would have guessed that one, huh?).

Anyway, I am really going to sincerely try to stop this behavior. Maybe if I read this more often and realized how embarrassed I am to post this, that will give me some reason to stop. Not to mention the fact that some dipstick asked me about the "hemorrhoids" on my arms.

So tell me what y'all are giving up. Been hard? Good. That's how you know that you've chosen the right thing to let go of. PS: Soooo sorry for not posting anything decent lately! 8b

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A touchy subject unveiled...

A touchy subject indeed. I'm talking about sex trafficking. Quite possibly one of the most disgusting and inhumane occurrences I have ever heard of. I knew what it was but I never bothered to think much about it. The worst part is, this is children we are talking about. And not just in those middle eastern nations where women are treated like dirt and such. These modern slavery programs generated more profit than Google, Nike, and Yahoo combined, adding up to about $3.2 billion a year. Think about that.

The Body Shop - Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People from TheBodyShop on Vimeo.

I have included a link for y'all to go to the petition and sign it. Please, please, please do so. It all adds up. Thanks for reading!

Sorry for not posting!



As you can see, I've written a message for y'all in the word bank. I would have put just 'I' in the places where it says sleepinlate but I didn't want to put a one-letter word in there. So, instead, I sound like Elmo. "Elmo says...... Elmo likes to......." etc. XD As stated in the word bank, enjoy!